Meet the Committee
A Branch Committee manages the affairs of the branch and as a body has a duty of care to ensure all activities are conducted as safely as possible. They also work to promote and enthuse the branch and its members so that the branch continues and grows. Remember that the committee are elected by you to act in the best interests of the club so vote in the people you want to represent you.

Paul Jarrett
Joined Medway 59 (Medway Sub Aqua club) in 1994 going through the old BSAC route, Novice 1, Novice 2, Sports Diver and Dive Leader.
In 1998 qualified as a IANTD Advanced Nitrox Diver. He then decided he had had enough of exams and started to build up his log book.
Diving all over the British Isles, Orkney, Jersey, Guernsey, Sark, Isles of Scilly, Ireland and Normandy. After a few years of this his old bones decided they needed warmer waters so now do most of my diving abroad. "my international dives include Red Sea, Cuba, Malta, Maldives, Truk lagoon and Thailand where I can indulge in my passion for underwater photography in comfort.
On rare occasions I do dig out the spiders from my dry suit and jump in the local lake or the Channel just to keep my hand in".

David Wood
Bio Pending

Club President & Dive Officer
Andy Moon
Joined the club way back in the hot summer of 1976 at the age of 19. Training has changed quite a bit since then, he qualified as a snorkel diver first, progressing on to 3rd class diver training before finally qualifying as a 2nd class diver in 1989 - this is the equivalent of the Advanced grade today.
"I have seen lots of changes in equipment over the years, my first wet suit cost me £33 (no dry suits in those days) and my cylinder £69. When the first dive computers appeared in the mid 1980s they were treated with a bit of scepticism but they are considered as part of the standard equipment now."
Having been on plenty of club diving holidays to the West Country, Scotland & Ireland, he still gets plenty of enjoyment out of diving in the British Isles. Although he has also been known to enjoy diving in the warmer waters of Jamaica and St Lucia.

Training Officer
Training Officer
Open Position

Simon Panteny
Joined Medway 59 in 2012 and qualified as an Ocean Diver in 2013. He is currently training for the Sports Diver level and has been diving near Swanage (completing the Chesil Beach challenge) and around Malta.
Simon took up diving in order to explore a completely different environment in which to photograph.

Equipment Officer
Equipment Officer
Open Position